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Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery - Mili
Truth or false It's the logic that dictates it all
是與非 這是個被倫理所支配的世界
Rising edge ticks the clock Stimulates you flip-flop
隨著時間不斷過去 不斷觸發著正反器
Generate Oscillate Let your blood fill the gates
生成 震盪 讓你的血液沸騰至極限
Multiplex Process registration
多路化 程序注冊
Wipe off your pus Grind down your vitamins
抹去你身上的濃汁 補充一點維他命吧
The end justifies the means
Open the book Turn to page 617 — Scientific Witchery
打開書 翻到第617頁《科學性巫術之章》
Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery
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